Monday, April 11, 2011

On Saturday, I essentially decided my future.

Well, where do I start? It was one of the most memorable experiences I've ever had spent with some of the funnest people I've ever known. I spent the day at UC San Diego, checking out a potential college. Then, we spent a good deal of time at the beach, which was pretty close by. I got home and then spent about 12 hours sleeping. When I awoke I realized something huge.

There wasn't one thing about that place I didn't enjoy. It surpassed all my expectations.

Here we are, one whole day later and I think I can comfortably say that I will be spending the next four years there.

At the same time, however, it was a shocking realization to finally see how close I am. For thirteen years, I've been working towards this insurmountable goal: college. To see it so close is fucking terrifying.

I can't help but smile the biggest smile when I think about it all.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

I have way too many.

I don't know why. I like making them. Even though I don't use them. I always feel like I will, though. I create them thinking that they'll be frequently used and the like, but they never are. Maybe this one will be different. Maybe I'll follow through.
